6th September 2024 | Platform: V3
New Features:
Web Editor - Workflow zip files can now be imported into Web Editor
Note: Maximum size permitted is 300mb.
Report Editor - Handlebar "Add Date" and "Hash" functions added
Jobs - Workflows with only Draft/Approval versions can now be selected/added in the Add Task in job details to a job.
Web Editor bugs deprioritised in the last release are all now fixed
The decimals in numeric step validation have been removed so only whole numbers can be used
Job Abandon Reason not shown in a new session
18th July 2024 | Platform: V3
New Features:
Groups and Groups Assignments are now available. NOTE: this is an Admin and online only feature.
20th May 2024 | Platform: V3
New Features:
Deployment of new V3 Jobs API
Re-architecture of the web client to utilise the new V3 Jobs API
Improved performance and reliability
23rd April 2024 | Platform: V3
Syncing problem noted on iOS devices when using the PWA - this has now been fixed.
11th April 2024 | Platform: V3
New Features:
- Modifier permission is removed from partner portal and V3 user permissions
Group Step - Nested Group steps not following the flow is fixed
Workflow details page - Continuous screen checking is fixed , should improve performance
28th March 2024 | Platform: V3
New Features:
- Owners, Admins and Editors can now add a draft/approval versions of a workflow
Executor only - will be able to see all the workflows but "Add a Version" will be disabled for them
When in Approval mode any/all approvers can approve/reject it, depending on the team setting “All Approvers Required for Workflow Approval”
If the setting is enabled all the approvers listed should approve for the version to be live, but a rejection from any one of the approvers will reject the version
Users can also be added to Draft/Approval versions just like Live version and it would be restricted to those users only.
13th December 2024 | Platform: V3
New Features:
- Improvements to synchronization in slow networks
7th December 2024 | Platform: V3
New Features:
- An updated UI for the Job Templates screen, which works on mobile devices appropriately and now includes a search function
24th November 2023 | Platform: V3
- When completing a Task and returning to the Job Details screen, the Task would temporarily show a "Resume" button in error
20th November 2023 | Platform: V3
New Features:
- Various sync improvements - increasing general sync reliability, improved retry logic, and improved performance in very slow connectivity environments
- Sometimes thumbnails would be missing from Reports even where they had fully synced
- In the Job Details screen some Attached Media would not display even where they had fully synced
- Sometimes a Job would show with the incorrect status in the Home/Schedule screen
8th November 2023 | Platform: V3
New Features:
- Change Job Permissions - Operators can no longer Assign/Share Jobs
- The "All Tasks Must be Completed" option was not working but is now resolved
- The Job Details screen could show an incorrect Job status, now resolved
- "Navigate back" button in Job Details - now takes you to your previous page and not always the Home screen
- The new password modal box was creating console errors, now resolved
- Sometimes Tasks would populate in the wrong order in the Job Details screen, now resolved
23rd October 2023 | Platform: V3
- Tasks could go into the wrong order within a Job, either as a manually created Job or as a a Job created from a Template
11th October 2023 | Platform: V3
New Features:
- Improvements made in the Conflict logic path selection.
- Previously a resume button or spinner was incorrectly displayed on a completed task, this has now been fixed.
26th September 2023 | Platform: V3
New Features:
- Team Settings - Automatic Workflow Updates - this feature has been improved and now downloads all Workflows on the Team in addition to those attached to Jobs to which the User is assigned. When enabled, each User's device will automatically download all Workflows available to the User, including updates to Workflows that have already been downloaded
- User Management - new User management screens have been added into v3, so that Owners and Admins can manage the Users on the Team from v3 instead of using the v2 Dashboard. Users can be added, locked, unlocked and deleted here as well as managing individual User information and permissions
- Team Settings - Pull Forward Overdue Jobs - there is a new Team Setting that configures how Jobs display in the Home/Schedule screen. When this setting is enabled, all overdue Jobs will always show on "today" on the Home/Schedule screen, instead of falling into the past. This is designed for companies who need to ensure that all Jobs are visible and closed out, rather than allowing Jobs to fall back in the schedule
- System Workflows - the system now allows for Workflows to be set (via the API) as 'System Workflows'. This means that the Workflows will not be automatically downloaded by the system or visible to the User as selectable Workflows when setting up a new Job. Instead, they are designed to be used programmatically when creating Jobs via an integrated system
- Admins can now access all Tasks on a Job including when the Task is a Workflow with restricted access permissions. Previously, Admins could not start a restricted Workflow
- Users without appropriate Workflow permissions can no longer access the Task, with the exception of Admins who have overriding permissions
- When the Workflow Updated Lapsed Time Team Setting is enabled, on the Job Details screen a Task would show a "check for updates" warning even where the latest version of the Workflow was downloaded
- Admins can now access the Share Job menu, even when they do not have the specific Job permission. Previously the Admin role did not override the permission and they were unable to share the Job
31st August 2023 | Platform: V3
New Features:
- Improvements have been made to the sync mechanism to better cope with environments with poor connectivity
2nd August 2023 | Platform: V3
New Features:
- New "Settings" section added to the main menu, which contains a number of Team Settings that allow for configuration of specific features
- Team Setting - Auto Download Workflows added. When enabled, devices logged into the system will automatically download all Workflows available to the user to local storage so that Jobs can be started offline
- Team Setting - Workflow Update Lapsed Time added. When enabled with a selected time, each device must periodically (according to the time set) connect to the server to check for updates to available Workflows. If the device is offline for beyond the allowable time and does not connect to the server, the user will be unable to start new Tasks until they have checked for updates
- Team Setting - Require Reason on Data Edit added. When enabled (either as 'required' or 'optional'), the user is asked to enter a reason if they go back to a previous step in the Task they are completing and they change previously inputted data
- Team Setting - Require Abandon Reason added. When enabled, if a user abandons a Job they will be required to enter a reason that the Job is being abandoned
- Team Setting - All Approvers Required for Workflow Approval added. When enabled, all Approvers must approve a Workflow before it can go live, instead of being able to go live with just one Approver's approval
- Team Setting - Remote Expert Solution added. This allows selection of the remote expert solution to be used
- Team Setting - Default Time Zone added. This allows for selection of the time zone to be used for Reports
- Fixed - Line breaks in step descriptions now display correctly in Groups
- Fixed - Adding and starting a new Task in the Job Details screen after all of the existing Tasks had been completed could result in a page freeze. Now resolved
- Fixed - In the Job Browser, Job names now truncate in the middle if they are too long, making it easier to see the context at the end of the Job name
28th June 2023 | Platform: V3
- Fixed - When adding more than one photo/video to a Media Step inside of a Task, the thumbnail for the photos/videos already added would disappear when you added more than one
- Fixed - On the Job Details screen, "Captured Media" wouldn't show thumbnails clearly and would have a 'sync' icon over them
- Fixed - You can now only save a Job Template once the Job has been saved
- Fixed: If you tried to open a Task immediately after adding it to a Job then it would fail to open
20th June 2023 | Platform: V3
- The system has been updated to manage situations where there are multiple data sets within a Task differently. This includes situations where two users have accessed the same Task or where a Task is paused and completed across multiple sessions. The system now chooses the most complete data path and this is more reliable for completeness and report generation
16th June 2023 | Platform: V3
- We have upgraded some server components including the Report Renderer, which collectively should improve both the performance and reliability of the Reports Service
- Fixed: there was an error where a workflow wouldn't download because of an "undefined ID", which is now resolved
- Fixed: the Share Job modal box now correctly loads instead of showing a perpetual spinner in some instances
25th May 2023 | Platform: V3
New Features:
You may now add a Job Description on each Job as an optional field. This allows you to add contextual information to a Job or other notes for the user completing the Job to see
Job Browser now contains an additional 'Tags' filter, which filters the list of Jobs based on Job Tags added. Note: Job Tags added prior to this release will now show in the Job Browser.
The user can no longer press pause on their Task once they have pressed the Finish Task button, which was putting the Task into a bad state
Triggers could sometimes get into a state where they would not fire when the report generation queue was busy, this has now been fixed
15th May 2023 | Platform: V3
New Features:
Updated Workflows List - the list of Workflows in the Workflows section has been updated to be easier to use and navigate
Job Browser improvements - Job Browser has been updated with various improvements including performance fixes and a new Workflows filter
Unavailable Tasks - the Job Details screen now shows the user when they do not have access to a specific Task due to the Workflow permissions
5th May 2023 | Platform: V3
Captured media viewing/downloading has now been fixed.
21st April 2023 | Platform: V3
Job Browser fix to show the latest job changes and status
Workflow fix for Windows OS - Users should be able to upload workflows
Fix for auto scrolling to the middle of the step in a form step.
13th April 2023 | Platform: V3
New Features:
Job Browser added
Enables Admins and Owners to browse Jobs on the system and access them
Jobs can be filtered by date, assignee, job status, tags and whether they are overdue according to their schedule
Jobs can be searched by name and Job ID in addition
Date filter has various options, including helpful presets
It was possible for Jobs to get into a state where the system wouldn’t process them and therefore the Job Report and associated downstream data would not be available. This has now been fixed
When a user doesn’t have permission to access a Workflow within a Job, they now see a warning saying “You do not have access to this Task , Please contact your Administrator”
Additionally, the Job attachments button has been removed as this needs fixing and reapplying.
2nd March 2023 | Platform: V3
New Features:
Android Background synchronisation improvements
Issue with iOS images not syncing has been fixed
Pagination and filtering options for jobs containing a large number of tasks is now available
Performance and security enhancements throughout.
30th November 2022 | Platform: V3
New Features:
If you are Owner/Admin in a team or a Job Owner/Manager , you will be able to set Schedule and Target Date now in the Job Details page.
If there is no Target and Scheduled Date then both will be defaulted to “Today’s date” and Time will be “All Day”(treated as scheduled for 23:59).
If there is a Scheduled Date then the Target Date will default to same as Scheduled Date.
If a job has a Scheduled date and its not completed by that date , then the job shall move to the current day in the Schedule screen (Schedule date won’t be changed).
If a job has a Target date and not it’s completed by Target date, then its shown as OVERDUE in Schedule page and Job Details page. If no Target date , Schedule date is used for OVERDUE check.
3rd November 2022 | Platform: V3
New Features:
A change has been made such that users with Job Operator permission only cannot abandon a Job. This right is now restricted to Owners/Admins on the Team and Job Owners/Managers
There is a new option that can be set by Team Owners/Admins and Job Owners/Managers such that a Job cannot be closed by an Operator until all of the Tasks have been completed on the Job
Tasks in V3 now have a new description field, which allows for context-driven information to be optionally added for each Task, to provide additional information to the Operator. Operators can view these but cannot set them.
If you launch a Job using a URL and specify metadata in the URL, that metadata is now saved
There was a rare case where a workflow could get into a state where the system is unable to read it - specifically when the Start Steps get into the wrong order when the workflow is built, but now resolved
Metadata is now returned from the GraphQL v2 endpoint so this works now for V3
It is now possible to open and view a Closed Job instead of seeing a perpetual loading spinner
On the New Job screen, if the back arrow was pressed you would see a blank screen, now fixed
When clicking back within a Task to a previous step, any subsequent decision steps would require re-validation even if the value is still selected and valid, now resolved.
5th August 2022 | Platform: V3
New Features:
You can now set a Teams default language in the Partner Portal (This will be used for email notifications in later functionality and at some point the V3 language picker will be retired and integrated into this setting). Therefore, this feature is currently redundant and can be ignored (it is not customer facing)
You can create Job Templates - this will let you define more complex jobs that can then be completed many times
Workflow permissions are now respected in Jobs. If a Job Operator does not have permission to access a Workflow that is populated as a Task on the Job, they will be unable to complete the Task.
- If you miss a required step it now highlights in red on the step
- Job assignment now works and you can share the Job appropriately with other users and assign them
- Repeating signature steps now have a blank canvas each time.