WorkfloPlus Release Notes

9th October 2024


  • Realwear - HMT/NAV

Version: 2.44.48905

  • Fixed: Devices now support Android 13 Permission requirements. 


4th October 2024


  • iOS

Version: 2.425

  • Added:  Extended logging has been added to help with investigations on App performance, if needed.


4th October 2024


  • Android

Version: 2.49

  • Fixed:  Sometimes there is an issue where the UserID is unknown in the Job Data, this is now resolved.


11th July 2024


  • iOS

Version: 2.422

  • Fixed: Workflow update lapsed time warnings will now appear after a specified duration.


4th July 2024


  • Android

Version: 2.46

  • Fixed: Occasionally workflows crashed after users opened the camera and took a photo during a job.  The fix means that unnecessary UI state is no longer cached which has freed up memory resources.


12th June 2024


  • Android

Version: 2.45

  • Fixed: We have fixed a race condition issue where workflow step tags were occasionally nullified and lost which should reduce the number of instances where reports generate incorrectly.


29th February 2024


  • iOS

Version: 2.421

  • Fixed: Previously if a Job got deleted prior to the completion of any upward sync requests for that job, it used to crash the sync mechanism and would skip over the records.  This has now been fixed.


9th February 2024


  • Android

Version: 2.44.47084

  • Fixed: Android 12 devices are now able to open and use the camera for media based steps.


1st February 2024


  • Android

Version: 2.43.47037

  • Fixed: Enabling Bluetooth connection on Android 13+ no longer causes crash issues.
  • Fixed: Taking photo's when using an SD card stores the data correctly and ensures successful data synchronisation.


22nd January 2024


  • HMT/NAV500/NAV520

Version: 2.43.46952

  • Previously users were unable to take photos/videos during a job using a HMT Nav/Android device with an SD card installed.  It should now work fine on devices with/without an SD card installed.


5th December 2023


  • HMT
  • Android

Version: 2.42.46687

  • Fixed - previously users were unable to take photos/videos during a job using a HMT Nav/Android device with an SD card installed.  It should now work fine on devices with/without an SD card installed.


13th October 2023


  • Server/Dashboard

  • Fixed - when using the latest version of Chrome, the Dashboard would sometimes slow down and be unusable.


22nd August 2023


  • Server/Dashboard

  • Fixed: on some occasions the username for the user who completed the Job could not be retrieved by the system, resulting in the Job showing "unknown user"


11th August 2023


  • iOS

Version: 2.420

  • Workflow deletion functionality on the job details page.


5th July 2023


  • iOS

Version: 2.410

  • In-Job performance improvements.


23rd June 2023


  • Server/Dashboard

  • Fixed: Triggers should not fire more than once (duplication)

  • Fixed: Improvements to the sync worker

  • Fixed: Improvements to the reports service


16th June 2023


  • Server/Dashboard

  • We have upgraded some server components including the Report Renderer, which collectively should improve both the performance and reliability of the Reports Service

  • Fixed: there was an error where a workflow wouldn't download because of an "undefined ID", which is now resolved


19th May 2023


  • HMT

Version: 2.41.43592

  • Added: HMT QR Code Login


22nd March 2023


  • WorkfloPlus Editor

Version: 2.7.8479.15635

  • Fixed: Crashing help button issue

  • Fixed: Removed all login and upload functionality. To upload the workflows to the server users must now save Workflow as a zip and upload through the website.


20th March 2023


  • Server/Dashboard

Version: 42755

  • Added: new Simply Video remote expert app added to our supported list.

  • Added: Additional PDF trigger options added for Email Integration (15 minutes, 1 hour, 6 hours and 1 day).


20th March 2023


  • HMT

Version: 2.38

  • Added: new Simply Video remote expert app added to our supported list.


20th March 2023


  • Android

Version: 2.38

  • Fixed: General compatibility improvements (android 31)


5th March 2023


  • iOS

Version: 2.37

  • Fixed: iOS Date/Time Fix - Changing the Date/Time to any other zone other than GMT in the iOS phone will cause the Date/Time step to misbehave, it would show the time still in GMT when user changes the time in the step.  This is now fixed.

  • Fixed: Auth0 Fix - When using a team with Auth0, it now behaves the same as other login types.  When the token expires, the user will get the re-authentication page to login back and not lose data.


2nd December 2022


  • HMT

Version: 2.35

  • Fixed: We have updated how the app restarts when reopening from the operating systems background.


3rd November 2022


  • IOS
  • Android
  • HMT

Version: 2.34

  • NEW: “Share Database” option in settings page so now we have better sight in to whats happening if users experience an issue which means we can fix it faster.


23rd September 2022


  • IOS
  • Android
  • HMT

Version: 2.32

  • New: Fix for dynamic variables “ifCond” helper not handling numeric comparison correctly.


27th July 2022


  • HMT

Version: 2.31

  • Fixed: When selecting view full description on the HMT the full description would not appear, we have fixed it so that the full description shows every time.


21st July 2022


  • iOS

Version: 2.30

  • New: iOS deep link support, so now you can launch your jobs easier on iOS 


9th June 2022


  • WorkfloPlus Server/ Dashboard

  • Fixed: Whilst all job data makes it back to the server every time, on a small number of occasions a report would not generate for a job, we have fixed this so that a report is now generated every time.


21st March 2022


  • HMT

  • Android

Version: 2.29

  • Fixed: Bug fixes.


13th January 2022


  • HMT

Version: 2.28

  • Fixed: User experienced issues when uploading media using the new Navigator 500 HMT running Android 11, we fixed it so that media can be uploaded as expected. 


21st December 2021


  • iOS

Version: 2.27

  • Fixed: Some users experienced an error whilst trying to download WorkfloPlus on iOS 15. We have fixed it so that it downloads every time.


17th December 2021


  • HMT

  • Android

Version: 2.27

  • Fixed: On some occasions, WorkfloPlus would crash when running on Android devices, we have fixed it so that it doesn't. 

  • New: Japanese translations are now available in WorkfloPlus


2nd December 2021


  • HMT

Version: 2.26

  • Fixed: On some occasions, some of our commands did not recognise Portuguese, we have now fixed it so all of the commands work.


8th November 2021


  • Android

Version: 2.25

  • Fixed: On some occasions step tags were not correctly uploaded to chosen steps, we fixed it so now you can rely on them being uploaded.

  • Fixed: Sometimes when a user added a corrupt asset to a step such as an image or video our app would crash, we fixed it so that this no longer happens. 


10th September 2021


  • iOS

Version: 2.22

  • Fixed: When choosing an existing image on a photo step, the thumbnail would not always preview the image straight away meaning a template image would display. We fixed it so your chosen image appears on your device as soon as you have taken them. 


16th August 2021


  • iOS

  • Android 

  • HMT

Version: 2.21

  • Fixed: Markdown rendering issue caused by the last update has now been fixed.


11th August 2021


  • iOS

  • Android 

  • HMT

Version: 2.20

  • Fixed: Collections tables were not rendering correctly on iOS, Android, or HMT so we fixed this and now it renders perfectly.

  • Fixed: Sometimes when you transferred a job on an iOS device it would not always show on your schedule, we fixed it so that it does.


3rd August 2021


  • HMT

Version: 2.19

  • New: Warning steps are now supported on the HMT so if you have a particular instruction that you need to enforce, you can now do this.


28th July 2021


  • iOS

Version: 2.18

  • New: We've now introduced background sync for iOS so when you complete a job and minimize/ push the WorkfloPlus app to the background before the sync has completed, the sync will continue to run making sure that all of your data makes it home safely - Please remember not to log out or force quit before the sync has completed though! 


14th July 2021


  • Android 

  • HMT

Version: 2.17

  • Fixed: Stabilisation Fixes


10th June 2021


  • Android 

Version: 2.16

  • Fixed: If you were on a Loop Step that had a Selection Step on it, the options were not visible, we’ve fixed it so that this combination of steps can be used correctly.


9th June 2021


  • iOS

  • Android 

  • HMT

Version: 2.15

  • Fixed: Sometimes when you added an attachment it would appear a little blurry on the device, we’ve fixed it so it now displays the image thumbnail correctly on iOS.

  • Fixed: Sometimes when you were required to enter the Datetime on iOS the calendar would open at the bottom of the screen making it difficult to UI fix for IOS

  • Fixed: There was some confusion over the Create Account button, so it’s been removed!

  • Fixed: HMT Proprietary TTS


7th April 2021


  • iOS

  • Android

  • HMT

Version: 2.14


  • New: We now support more languages! Italian, French, German, Portuguese, Chinese, Polish, Spanish

  • Fixed: There were also some secret white Icons on some white input boxes, cats out of the bag now, so we can all enjoy these icons in a contrasting colour.


29th March 2021


  • iOS

Version: 2.13.30006

  • Fixed: If you've just restarted the app, your jobs will carry on syncing rather than stopping which is what they did before. Full steam ahead!


25th March 2021


  • Android

Version: 2.13.29886


  • New: You can now see what's left to synchronise on the home/ schedule screen

  • New: If you have a workflow to set to show only the time on a step, you will no longer see both the date and the time 

  • New: On a selection step, you can now add an 'other' option

  • Fixed: If you've just restarted the app, your jobs will carry on syncing rather than stopping which is what they did before. Full steam ahead!


8th March 2021


  • HMT
Version: 2.13.29669

  • New: Scheduled tasks are now ordered by the start due date on your WFP home screen

  • New: Log sharing on HMT, so you can now export logs if something goes wrong to help us to triage and support you better

  • New: You can now see the progress of syncs as they are syncing on the HMT

  • Fixed: Updates to support the HMT Release 12.


15th Dec 2020


  • Android

Version: 2.12.27991

  • Fixed: on rare occasions, a photo or video might not sync to the server, this wasn't great. We've fixed it so your assets now hit home every time! 

15th Dec 2020


  • HMT

Version: 2.12.27991

  • Fixed: on rare occasions, a photo or video might not sync to the server, on rare occasions, a photo or video might not sync to the server, this wasn't great. We've fixed it so your assets now hit home every time!


18th Nov 2020


  • iOS

Version: 2.12.27487

  • New: if you have a job assigned to you, you will now receive a notification on your device!

  • New: scheduled jobs marked as ‘high priority’ now show the priority in the job details screen

  • New: you can now launch jobs from a QR code or deep-link created in the admin portal

  • New: barcode step is now implemented, scan away!

  • New: the app will now display step warnings added to steps in the Editor

  • Fixed: there were a number of little UI issues that we’ve resolved. The UI has now gone from far from perfect to a reasonable distance from perfect

  • Fixed: a scheduled job would show as ‘Overdue’ even if you’d started it, which was confusing. We’ve changed it, a change which you’ll no doubt agree was well overdue

  • Fixed: previously, the app would keep all photos and videos you took in storage even after they synced to the server. This would result in a continually increasing use of storage. The app deletes them now after sync, freeing your device storage up so you can store all the funny memes and pictures of your pets that you like

  • Fixed: if your scheduled job didn’t have a specified date/time, the app would show it as ‘not scheduled’, which was confusing and unhelpful, so we changed it

  • Fixed: if a job is scheduled for you, you ought to do it. Previously, you could transfer it to somebody else, so we changed it

  • Fixed: Various security improvements

18th Nov 2020


  • Android

Version: 2.12.27487

  • New: if you have a job assigned to you, you will now receive a notification on your device!

  • New: scheduled jobs marked as ‘high priority’ now show the priority in the job details screen

  • Fixed: there were a number of little UI issues that we’ve resolved. The UI has now gone from far from perfect to a reasonable distance from perfect

  • Fixed: a scheduled job would show as ‘Overdue’ even if you’d started it, which was confusing. We’ve changed it, a change which you’ll no doubt agree was well overdue

  • Fixed: previously, the app would keep all photos and videos you took in storage even after they synced to the server. This would result in a continually increasing use of storage. The app deletes them now after sync, freeing your device storage up so you can store all the funny memes and pictures of your pets that you like

  • Fixed: if your scheduled job didn’t have a specified date/time, the app would show it as ‘not scheduled’, which was confusing and unhelpful, so we changed it

  • Fixed: Various security improvements

18th Nov 2020


  • HMT

Version: 2.12.27487

  • New: if you have a job assigned to you, you will now receive a notification on your device!

  • New: scheduled jobs marked as ‘high priority’ now show the priority in the job details screen

  • Fixed: there were a number of little UI issues that we’ve resolved. The UI has now gone from far from perfect to a reasonable distance from perfect

  • Fixed: a scheduled job would show as ‘Overdue’ even if you’d started it, which was confusing. We’ve changed it, a change which you’ll no doubt agree was well overdue

  • Fixed: previously, the app would keep all photos and videos you took in storage even after they synced to the server. This would result in a continually increasing use of storage. The app deletes them now after sync, freeing your device storage up so you can store all the funny memes and pictures of your pets that you like

  • Fixed: Various security improvements


14th October 2020


  • iOS

Version: 2.11.26938


  • New: you can now schedule jobs to be completed and assign them to specific users. Control the date/time as well as priority levels, which work instruction should be done, and more. Users will see their scheduled jobs on the home screen.

  • New: there’s now a setting for your team’s chosen remote expert provider. When you ask for help, it will launch the correct provider for your users.

  • Fixed: if you added a file asset without a file extension, it would crash the app, which isn’t particularly helpful. It doesn’t do that anymore.

  • Fixed: the app was pretty sensitive about importing data collections that contained unparsable characters and symbols. It can be like that sometimes. We’ve asked it to calm down and ignore those characters now.


14th October 2020


  • Android

Version: 2.11.26938


  • New: you can now schedule jobs to be completed and assign them to specific users. Control the due date/time as well as priority levels, which work instruction should be done, and more. Users will see their scheduled jobs on the home screen.

  • New: there’s now a setting for your team’s chosen remote expert provider. When you ask for help, it will launch the correct provider for your users.

  • New: if you don’t have many active or scheduled jobs, the app will now suggest workflows for you to complete, making it that little bit easier to get the job done.

  • New: we’ve improved the asset bar, so it’s easier to access the resources you need when completing a workflow.

  • Fixed: the app was pretty sensitive about importing data collections that contained unparsable characters and symbols. It can be like that sometimes. We’ve asked it to calm down and ignore those characters now.


14th October 2020


  • HMT

Version: 2.11.26938


  • New: you can now schedule jobs to be completed and assign them to specific users. Control the due date/time as well as priority levels, which work instruction should be done, and more. Users will see their scheduled jobs on the home screen.

  • New: there’s now a setting for your team’s chosen remote expert provider. When you ask for help, it will launch the correct provider for your users.

Fixed: the app was pretty sensitive about importing data collections that contained unparsable characters and symbols. It can be like that sometimes. We’ve asked it to calm down and ignore those characters now.


24th Aug 2020


  • Android

Version: 2.10.26111

  • New: you can now annotate photos! Visit our Knowledge Base to find out more!

  • New: you can now use .url assets as a step attachment. Visit our Knowledge Base to find out more!

  • New: step attachments are now shown with their filename inside the app.

  • Fixed: on the home screen, the date for a job would always be shown with the current year, regardless of which year you did the job in. It now shows the correct year, even if it isn’t this year.

  • Fixed: sometimes, data collections wouldn’t consistently sync down to the device, which basically defeats the point of the feature. Your data will now be up-to-date and ship shape, provided you’re online!


21st Aug 2020


  • iOS

Version: 2.10.26112

  • New: you can now use .url assets as a step attachment. Visit our Knowledge Base to find out more!

  • Fixed: sometimes when you hit undo on a photo annotation more than once, and then hit redo to bring them back, the annotations would return in the wrong order. Now they march to the beat of the drum.

  • Fixed: selection steps didn’t always have the correct background colour. Now they do.

  • Fixed: the photo annotation feature could cause the application to crash, which was not ideal. Annotate away now in the knowledge that the application will not randomly close itself!

  • Fixed: on signature steps, there was sometimes a strange grey border showing up. As creative as we are, this wasn’t intended, so we removed it.


28th July 2020


  • iOS

Version: 2.9.25771

  • Fixed: the app would crash on Media Steps when using an iPad. Order is now restored and it allows you to take a photo or video, which was its intended purpose.


16th July 2020


  • iOS

Version: 2.9.25599

  • New: you can now add markdown into your step descriptions in our Editor, and the apps will display it. Use titles, bullet points, numbering, you name it. Visit our Knowledge Base to find out more!

  • New: we added support for Japanese. Just change your device locale!

  • New: we added support for Spanish. Just change your device locale!

  • New: you can now click on a photo you've taken to go to an annotation view. Draw away! Visit our Knowledge Base to find out more!

  • New: you can now use dynamic variables in your workflows. This means you can make use of previous inputs and other workflow data in your workflow steps. Visit our Knowledge Base to find out more!

  • New: you can now add data collections into your workflows. The app will sync down your data collection and it can be used within a workflow. For example, if you have a table of on-site equipment and you need to look up specific records. Visit our Knowledge Base to find out more!

  • New: we’ve overhauled the user interface when you’re outside of an active job. Hopefully it’s more intuitive and responsive, please let us know what you think!

  • New: you can now log into the app using Google or Microsoft login. Visit our Knowledge Base to find out more!

  • New: the app will now give you smart workflow suggestions on the home screen. If you regularly complete a certain workflow, or have a new one assigned to you, you will be able to access it quickly from the home screen.

  • New: you will now get validation warnings on Selection Steps.

  • New: we added Date/Time Steps, so now you can use them - helpful right? Visit our Knowledge Base to find out more!

  • New: we added Dynamic Selection Steps. Visit our Knowledge Base to find out more!

  • New: if you weren’t already excited about Dynamic Selection Steps, we also added URL-based Dynamic Selection Steps! We’re thrilled too. Visit our Knowledge Base to find out more!

  • New: you can now use OnSight Connect by our partner Librestream to make a video call. Visit our Knowledge Base to find out more!

  • Fixed: sometimes, the app would show options to abandon or resume a job where it wasn’t possible, because the job had already been abandoned. That was pretty misleading and unhelpful, so it doesn’t do that anymore.

  • Fixed: some of the touch points on icons on a Media Step were small, meaning they were hard to press. That was really annoying wasn’t it? We made them bigger.

  • Fixed: long text on Decision Step buttons would truncate in a really messy way. We unmessified it. That’s a word, look it up.

  • Fixed: sometimes, when you had to login again, the app wouldn’t automatically show the login screen. An oversight on our part, whoops! It shows now.


26th June 2020


  • Android mobile

  • Realwear HMT

Version: 2.8.24963

  • New: you can now add markdown into your step descriptions in our Editor, and the apps will display it. Use titles, bullet points, numbering, you name it. Visit our Knowledge Base to find out more!

  • New: we added support for Japanese. Just change your device locale!

  • New: we added support for Spanish. Just change your device locale!

  • New: you can now use dynamic variables in your workflows. This means you can make use of previous inputs and other workflow data in your workflow steps. Visit our Knowledge Base to find out more!

  • New: you can now add data collections into your workflows. The app will sync down your data collection and it can be used within a workflow. For example, if you have a table of on-site equipment and you need to look up specific records. Visit our Knowledge Base to find out more!

  • New: we made changes to the Android sync mechanism to improve performance. While your data would always sync, it could often be a bit slow. It should happen a little faster now!

  • New: we have increased our support for Bluetooth connected scanners and keyboards

  • New: we have added support for 1-2-8 barcodes in our barcode step, which you can use 365 days a year. So 128/365

  • New: user experience can be very subjective. What one person likes, somebody else dislikes. We have made a number of UX changes in the app, and we like them. Please let us know if you do too!

  • Fixed: the app didn’t tell you when it had no internet connection if you were connected to Wifi. This was unhelpful, so we changed it

  • Fixed: form steps didn’t always set the correct default values for the workflow. By default, they do now

  • Fixed: the abandon job button would be displayed on completed and already abandoned jobs, which is confusing as you can’t abandon something you already abandoned. Now you can only abandon an active job, which makes more sense

  • Fixed: you should only be able to log into the app with a user account that has permission to use the app (execute permission). Previously it didn’t give you a login error, which was somewhat of an oversight. It does now

  • Fixed: legacy WorkfloPlus decision steps would show the options ‘yes’, ‘no’ and ‘other’ in the wrong order, which wasn’t done on purpose to see if you were paying attention. They now show in the correct order and all is ok again with the world

  • Fixed: sometimes the abandon job option would show up twice for no particular reason. It doesn’t do that anymore

  • Fixed: we forgot that numbers can be negative as well as positive. I guess we’re just glass half full people. We’ve changed it now so that on numeric steps, you can enter a negative number like 

  •  Fixed: changing the font size on Android would cause the application to crash. Whoops. It doesn’t crash anymore

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